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EPS Global and Crypto Quantique announce strategic partnership

EPS Global, a provider of IC programming and secure provisioning services, has signed a strategic partnership with Crypto Quantique, a specialist in quantum-driven cybersecurity, to deploy secure IoT applications at scale.

EPS Global provides secure provisioning services from its global network of secure programming centres, and through its ecosystem partners delivers a complete end-to-end security solution for customers’ connected devices.

Crypto Quantique has created QDID, quantum-driven secure hardware IP for standard silicon and QuarkLink, a universal IoT security platform that handles provisioning, including secure firmware and cryptographic keys, automated secure onboarding, and security monitoring, including firmware encryption, signing and secure updates over-the-air, and certificate and key renewal and revocation.

The quantum-driven cybersecurity solution enables vertically integrated, highly secure IoT deployments based on unforgeable hardware trust anchors generated by the device.

The partnership will enable customers using Crypto Quantique’s technology to program their MCUs at production volumes in a secure EPS Global programming centre in close proximity to their manufacturing factories anywhere in the world. EPS Global will also offer the QuarkLink platform, providing customers with scalable end-to-end security for their products.

Commenting on the agreement Colin Lynch, CEO of EPS Global, said, “Securing the IoT is a complex challenge and cybersecurity for the IoT is massively fragmented, we need solutions which combine the hardware and software. This partnership does exactly that. The combination of Crypto Quantique’s quantum security technology and EPS's globally situated secure provisioning facilities is a practical solution. It ensures that devices will never be the weak link. They will be secure from chip-to-cloud, thanks to technology that is also easy to scale and maintain".

Shahram Mossayebi, Crypto Quantique’s CEO, added, “Our partnership with EPS Global will eliminate the frustrations that so many companies have experienced as they’ve struggled to scale their IoT deployments without sacrificing security. Our technology and EPS’ secure programming capabilities close the IoT scaling gap and deliver a future-proof solution.”

Neil Tyler

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